Grind and Pave – The Home Depot Distribution Center, Los Angeles, CA
Beach Paving was awarded the distribution center’s entry road grind and pave project. Our team was tasked with the grind out and replacement of 70,000 sq. ft. of 2-inch asphalt. We were given one weekend to complete the work and had to do so while keeping the entry road open for truck traffic.
What was supposed to be a routine, tight-window pave, wound up being a very busy weekend with hundreds of additional trucks needing access through our jobsite. Friday night, when the site was handed over to us for the grind out, it became apparent that finishing on schedule would be impossible with the original plans given to us. Working with the client, we arranged additional exit areas to alleviate two-way congestion. Through the joint efforts of our crew, the truck drivers, and the facility, the new traffic pattern allowed us to resume our work at full speed.
Once the flow of traffic was reimagined and the adjustments were made, we were soon back on track. With the help of our experienced crew and assistance and communication from the customer, the road was completed Sunday afternoon. Finishing this job, on time and on budget, is testament to the professionalism and experience of the Beach Paving team.